
research and publications

CaroRite™ for Visual Health

A 93-subject, 3-arm, randomized, double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study was conducted to assess the impact of supplementation of CaroRite™ on Macular Pigment Optical Density (MPOD) over 180 days, in healthy adult subjects.

The mean MPOD values were found to be statistically significant when compared with baseline and placebo. Further analysis showed the values were statistically significant for CaroRite™ when compared with lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation alone.


CaroRite™ demonstrated better MPOD values and an increase of about 40% macular pigmentation when compared to the baseline and placebo. CaroRite™ also demonstrated better values than lutein & zeaxanthin alone, suggesting some synergistic value of the carotenoid complex.

Higher MPOD values may reduce the risk of various eye diseases, especially late forms of AMD, and could protect ocular cells against oxidative damage & blue light.

CaroRite™ for Enhanced Quality of Life

Despite an increase in life expectancy that indicates positive human development, a new challenge is arising. Ageing is directly associated with biological and cognitive degeneration, for instance cognitive decline, psychological impairment and physical frailty.

As many studies showed an inverse relationship between carotenoids and age-related diseases (ARD) by reducing oxidative stress through interrupting the propagation of free radicals, carotenoids have been foreseen as a potential intervention for age-associated pathologies.


A 2-arm, randomized, double blind, parallel, placebo controlled study to the evaluate the effects of CaroRite™ on oxidative stress markers, inflammatory markers & general well-being in overweight adults.

  • Number of subjects: 50
  • Duration of study: 12 Weeks
  • Estimated time of completion: Q1 2023